Asking price £250,000
1 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
  • 1 Bedroom
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 1 Reception

A beautiful, Grade II Listed upper floor apartment in central Bath with River Avon and city views.

Situated on the upper floor, this charming flat offers fabulous views of the River Avon and city to the rear. Forming part of a grade II listed building and immaculately presented. Internally the property includes stairs from the second floor and spacious landing with airing cupboard. The lounge has a period fireplace and river views as does the lovely kitchen/breakfast room. There is a good sized bedroom with fitted wardrobe, again with a period fireplace and a modern bathroom. The property also benefits from resident permits and is located 0.4 miles east from the city centre.

Asking price £250,000
1 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
Asking price £250,000
1 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
Asking price £250,000
1 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
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