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White Paper

Re-Imagining the Close Whitepaper

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White Paper

Now is the Time to Re-Imagine the Financial Close

The financial close process has long been a critical activity allowing organizations to accurately record and report on their past performance.  This accuracy is clearly not only essential for the organization to understand what has happened but also to ensure it meets the legal requirements to perform and publish a financial analysis.  Considering the additional importance of using the actual data to seed planning and budgeting amongst other processes – effective, timely and accurate close processes are no doubt in the best interests of every organization.


In this whitepaper, we examine the business changes that have occurred in recent years, the impact on the close process, and we propose the way forward.  We will highlight how change and increasing complexity is driving the need for improved insights and information outside of traditional close cycles and how this can be delivered in a truly unified financial close solution.


This white paper highlights: