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Solution Brief

A Modern Approach to Central Government Budget Planning, Programming and Execution

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Solution Brief

OneStream Dramatically Simplifies and Automates the Budgeting Process

Any centralised government budget process is highly complex, time-consuming, cumbersome, and requires painstaking precision. Much of it is done manually, using low-tech tools, such as Excel® spreadsheets, emails, Word® documents, and convoluted workarounds to join disparate data. Few have an aggregated view of budget data presented in a workable way.

This means that timely and accurate reporting and analysis is a challenge because data is dispersed across numerous systems. This tedious process hampers departments’ ability to respond rapidly to fast-emerging needs. To make this work, budgeting staffs must often work long hours for many days to meet key milestones in the budget cycle

Download this solution brief to discover how with OneStream, even the largest central government departments with the most complicated budgets can perform their needed budget processes with far greater speed, precision, efficiency and confidence — and all within a single solution.