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Key Performance Consulting

About KPC

In the age of open and multi-connected businesses, digital uses are exploding and data is becoming an increasingly complex asset to master and use. They are an extraordinary opportunity, as much as a vital necessity for companies in order to gain efficiency in driving performance and customer experience.

Intelligent data management is at the heart of our DNA, and our corporate culture. Our strategic partnerships and multi-disciplinary teams allow KPC to offer its clients the vision, experience and know-how necessary to develop, customize, integrate and deploy the most efficient solutions.

For nearly 10 years our teams have been working on complex management, development and data processing projects to guide you towards the intelligent and digital enterprise.

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Contact Number:
+33 1 87 39 11 54

Contact Email:
[email protected]

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Hundreds of organizations have made the leap from spreadsheets and legacy CPM applications to OneStream and never looked back. Join the revolution!