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John O'Rourke | Jul 18, 2018

OneStream Named a Leader in Dresner Advisory Enterprise Planning Market Study

In the business world, as in life, extreme expertise and talent in one area can often overshadow similar capabilities in other areas.  Such is the case of OneStream Software, which is best-known for its advanced financial consolidation and reporting capabilities and ability to address the complex requirements of the world’s largest, global enterprises.  But OneStream’s platform also provides market-leading capabilities in planning, budgeting and forecasting that are leveraged by most of our customers.

What’s New in Enterprise Planning?

This was borne out in the recently-released Dresner Advisory Wisdom of Crowds® Enterprise Planning Market Study.  This was the third year Dresner Advisory Services published their Enterprise Planning Market Study.

This year’s report highlighted several key market trends, including the following:

  • There has been a significant increase in the adoption of enterprise planning software, up to 58 percent in 2018 from 30 percent in 2017.
  • Customer-facing functions (sales, marketing and customer service) represent the largest potential adopters of enterprise planning in the next 12 to 24 months.
  • Annual financial budgets remain by far the most important enterprise planning initiative. However, headcount, salary and compensation planning has been steadily growing in importance and in 2018 became the second-most important enterprise planning initiative, overtaking rolling forecasts.
  • Annual budgets and quarterly forecasts remained the most common periodic analyses used across all types of organization.
  • SaaS became the most important deployment model in 2018, representing a significant shift in the market. On-premises deployment declined to third place (after SaaS and hosted solutions).

OneStream Makes a Strong Debut

What’s unique about this study is that the results are based 100% on surveys of customers using enterprise planning software.  Vendors are evaluated based on 33 criteria covering:

  • Sales/Acquisition Experience
  • Value for Price
  • Quality and Usefulness of Product
  • Quality of Technical Support
  • Quality and Value of Consulting Services
  • Vendor Integrity
  • Whether Vendor is Recommended

This was OneStream’s first year of inclusion in the Dresner Advisory Enterprise Planning Market Study and the results were outstanding.  As you can see in the spider chart below, OneStream Software is substantially above the overall sample for all measures, and we received a perfect “5” recommend score.

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Dresner Advisory provides two models to help clients understand the Enterprise Planning market.  Their Customer Experience Model positions vendors based on their combined scores on Product/Technology vs. Sales and Service metrics on two axes, positioning vendors into one of four quadrants.

Their Vendor Credibility Model considers how customers “feel” about their vendor, plotting value for the price paid against the integrity and recommend measures, creating a “confidence” dimension. The upper-right quadrant in both models contains the highest-scoring vendors, and those considered leaders in customer experience and vendor credibility.

Based on our scores, OneStream was positioned as an Overall Leader in both the Customer Experience and Vendor Credibility models.

Commenting on OneStream’s results in the study, Howard Dresner, Founder and Chief Research Officer at Dresner Advisory Services said, “In its first year of inclusion, OneStream Software is substantially above the overall sample for all measures and is an overall leader in the Customer Experience and Vendor Credibility models. It is best in class for a majority of measures across most categories of measurement including sales, value, product, and technical support. It has a perfect recommend score.”

Learn More

Achieving 100% customer success is a key mission of OneStream Software and is our top priority company-wide. Being named a leader in Customer Experience and Vendor Credibility by Dresner Advisory Services validates our approach and recognizes the ability of OneStream to address the advanced planning, budgeting and forecasting requirements of global enterprises.

To learn more, download a copy of the 2018 Dresner Advisory Enterprise Planning Market Study.

John O’Rourke is Vice President of Product Marketing at OneStream Software. With a background in accounting and finance, John has over 30 years of experience in the software industry, including 20 years of experience in product marketing at Hyperion Solutions, Oracle and Host Analytics. He has worked with many customers and partners on financial reporting and planning initiatives and has spoken and written on many topics in corporate performance management. John has also held positions in strategic marketing and product marketing at Dun & Bradstreet Software, Kenan Systems and Decisyon.  Find me on:   

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