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Vanessa Orbe | Nov 11, 2019

Meet the OneStream Team Member: Hein Scholten

At OneStream, we are proud of our team because we work hard and play harder! We believe that every customer must be a success and reference which drives everything we do, including choosing our team members. Get to know our team in EMEA starting with Hein Scholten, our Customer Success Global Director! 

Q. How long have you been with OneStream and what is your role within the organization?

A. I joined OneStream in 2016 as Director Strategic Client Solutions. I joined the newly formed Customer Success Team to cover the EMEA markets in late 2017. In my current role, I have the privilege to lead our customer success teams globally.

Q. What impressed you the most about OneStream and why did you choose to work here?

A. Before I joined OneStream, I was in charge of the CPM solution of a major client, and for me OneStream was a game changer in the market with the concept of Extensible Dimensionality and the XF MarketPlace. What impressed me when I joined OneStream is the unbelievable drive of everyone here to go above and beyond – for our customers and for our partners. As a customer you feel it, as an employee you’re part of it. It gives an incredible energy.

Q. What is your background and what would you consider your specialty?

A. I’ve worked as Head of Group Reporting (Accounting and FP&A) in a multinational environment. Always with the responsibility for the CPM landscape in these companies. CPM tools are the hands and feet for the Office of the CFO, and they must be a reflection of the business, not just a tool driven by an IT agenda.  Where the business owns CPM that is where beautiful things happen, and value is created. Translation of business requirements to system design is key and it’s a continuous process: companies should constantly challenge the status quo as the environment keeps changing. Working globally adds the cultural dimension. Every country is different and requires a different approach. Being able to communicate in multiple languages helps. But most of all it’s about listening and trying to understand the customer.

Q. What are some projects you are excited to work on in the upcoming months?

A. In each project it’s fascinating how things come together into solutions that bring value to the customer. When they then start exploring our XF MarketPlace Solutions, that is truly exciting. That is what OneStream is about, that is what brings the value. We’ve recently grown the team a bit to be ready for our continuous growth. It’s exciting to work with the new people and get them up to speed.

Q. What’s your favorite quote and why?

A. “In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments. There are consequences.” I found this quote on the Godley & Creme album Consequences. But it’s originally from Robert Green Ingersoll.

“Leven is het meervoud van Lef.” This is for the Dutch readers, translating it will not make sense.

Q. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

A. There are so many places I want to visit, but there’s one city that truly stole my heart and that is New Orleans. There are many cities with a long music history, but New Orleans is different. This city breathes music, genuine heart felt music.

Q. If you could offer any piece of advice to our readers what would it be?

A. Don’t confuse CPM with BI. They are different by nature. OneStream is the only platform that brings them together.

Q. What is something you are passionate about?

A. Outside of my family and my work here at OneStream, I am very passionate about music. Joe Jackson called music a cure for gravity and that’s pretty spot on.

Q. What’s a fun fact or something funny you want to share about yourself?

A. I was the local pinball champion for two years in a row. That was many years ago, but I still can’t walk by a pinball machine and not give it a try.

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