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Scott Stern | Sep 24, 2020

Digital Finance Transformation: Moving on From Duct Tape & Legacy CPM Systems

Does your Finance team have what it takes to lead at speed? Or like many organizations, is your Finance team burdened with legacy corporate performance management (CPM) processes that hold you back from unleashing your true potential? What steps are you taking towards digital finance transformation?

For Finance leaders, me included, asking (and answering) simple questions like these are critical. Questions like these not only are great for self-reflection, but also to help to open up direct dialogue with team members, business partners and key stakeholders. After all, digital finance is about enabling people and process, right?

I sat down recently with OneStream’s head of demand gen, Paul Giardina, to discuss why so many Finance teams struggle with manual processes and legacy financial systems. Unfortunately, these manual processes, which take the form of spreadsheets, rogue databases and other fragmented tools are often used like “duct-tape” to stitch processes together. If left unchecked, duct-taped Finance processes can force long hours on the entire function and dilute the entire culture and morale of the Finance team.

We also discussed my own experiences as a former FP&A leader as well as examples of Finance organizations who are driving digital finance transformation with a platform approach to CPM.

To learn more, tune into our entire conversation below.

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